NOTE: Be sure you have read the Competition Guides before registering.

Online Registration Instructions:
  1. Click “Register” or “Sign in."
    1. If you click "Sign In", choose "Exhibitor" from the "I am a..." drop down box.
  2. Complete the registration form. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.
  3. Under Department, select “Creative Arts.” Under Division, click on the division you wish to enter and select your Class from the drop down list.
  4. Continue to make selections for all your entries then click “Continue” and select “Save this cart for later” or, if you are ready to submit your entries, select “Check-out".

Important Notes: 

  1. If you do not place at least one item in your cart prior to saving the cart, your registration will not be confirmed and you will need to start over on the process detailed above.
  2. If at any time you decide to exit the system before completing the Online Entry Process, you must click “Save cart” to retain your entry information.
  3. DO NOT PRINT from the tabs that say “Packing List” or “Entry Tags” if you review your entry online. We will print everything needed for check-in.


FREE online entries end August 15. If it is past August 15, please refer to the competition guides for onsite registration information. 

If you have any questions or problems with the online entry process, please contact
Morgan Chappell
